This Saturday, we visited St. Michael's to see Grammy and Grandpop, Uncle Bob and Aunt Pat, and Mark and Emily Randolph. We also met Bob and Pat's grandson, John Cole. A good time was had by all, along with lots of oysters.
Abby had several 3rd birthday parties, but the most populous one was last Friday (see above), when Jackie, Anna, Hannah, Hali, and Ama were here, all dressed as various princessi. Very cute stuff.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Abby is in love with all the Parker girls. Especially Patricia. :)
Now I'm three years old. Big girl, and what not. I get a hat.
Abby got several princess outfits, including Snow White. She likes them.
The pictures above were taken while the Tubbses were down to visit this past weekend. Abby and Madelyn were born three days apart, so we had a joint birthday fiesta. A good time was had by all. Especially Abby, once the cake came out.
I am a rebellious, self-centered sinner who has been rescued from the coming wrath of a holy God solely by His grace, in the person of Jesus Christ. I stand continuously puzzled, amazed, and grateful that He chose to give Himself up to death on the cross for me, that my sins might be forgiven, that I might be adopted as God's son, and that there might be peace between me and my Maker.