Mommy and Abby spent the morning/early afternoon with Mrs. Little and Hannah at Hains Point, on the Potomac. They even got to climb on that huge, famous, revolting sculpture called "The Awakening." A good time was had by all.
Just readin.'
The medieval maiden poses for her portrait. Note the expensive paper crown.
Abby as Cinderella. Watch out, guys!
Abby and her snowfriend, who hadn't put on her face yet that morning.
I am a rebellious, self-centered sinner who has been rescued from the coming wrath of a holy God solely by His grace, in the person of Jesus Christ. I stand continuously puzzled, amazed, and grateful that He chose to give Himself up to death on the cross for me, that my sins might be forgiven, that I might be adopted as God's son, and that there might be peace between me and my Maker.