Monday, March 13, 2006

Hangin' out after a long day of playing. Posted by Picasa

Are you in good hands? Posted by Picasa

Hey Hannah, got any really big mints? Posted by Picasa

Abby and Hannah. Posted by Picasa

Playdate at Hains Point, D.C.

Mommy and Abby spent the morning/early afternoon with Mrs. Little and Hannah at Hains Point, on the Potomac. They even got to climb on that huge, famous, revolting sculpture called "The Awakening." A good time was had by all.

Just readin.' Posted by Picasa

The medieval maiden poses for her portrait. Note the expensive paper crown. Posted by Picasa

Abby as Cinderella. Watch out, guys! Posted by Picasa

Abby and her snowfriend, who hadn't put on her face yet that morning. Posted by Picasa