Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I asked Abby to smile for me, because we thought her new dress was pretty. Instead, she did this. Sometimes, the accidental photos work out well.
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Sumemr Visit to Grandma and Grandpa's House

Last week, we visited Grandma and Grandpa in Geneva. We try to make it up every summer -- the Finger Lakes region is really beautiful that time of year. Mommy and Daddy even got away for two nights all by themselves -- what a novelty! All in all, we had a great time, and Abby and Sean both had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa.

The kids. We love 'em.
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At the Strong Museum of Play, for kids, Sean discovered (and really got into) the shipping area inside the Kid's Wegmans grocery store.
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Sean is still young enough to trust I won't drop him. Abby used to like this, till she realized that if she fell, it would hurt. Not that she actually fell, mind you.
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The Strong Museum has a new butterfly garden. You get to walk through, and see hundreds of different butterfly species. They even land on you sometimes. Abby loved it.
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Sean got to play in the backyard. This was one of the few moments when he wasn't trying to eat grass and other assorted yard debris.
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At the Strong Museum, Abby also played in the Kid's Wegmans. She was customer and cashier simultaneously.
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Sean had fun toodling around Grandma and Grandpa's house, playing with automobiles.
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Sean had his first PB&J sandwich recently. I think he liked it.
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Abby posing, Sean gnawing. Typical.
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The Erwin boys.
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A common scene -- Sean browsing through/eating books.
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Mom, I see the leak -- I got it!
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Piggytail girl.
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Grammy and Grandpop visited recently. Clearly, Grandpop and Abby got plum tuckered out.
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