Friday, September 14, 2007

And a-one, and a-two, and a-... polka, everyone!
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Kim decided to give Sean his first custard a few weeks ago. Who else besides me think the good people at Rita's would be wise to make an advertisement from this photo?
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What? Is my hair out of place?
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Mommy and her girl. Or, Abby and her mama. Depends on your perspective. Eye of the beholder, and all that.
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Sean's 1st Birthday Party!

On Sunday, August 26th, Sean Christopher Erwin turned one whole year old. We had a great time -- he got to eat a big ol' dessert, and to make a horrid mess, and it was OKAY! No one told him "No!" Here's hoping that, by God's grace, he'll have many more birthdays to come.

I got my own personal blueberry cheesecake. I think Mommy and Daddy wanted me to plop my face right in it, but I didn't -- a fellow's got to maintain his dignity.
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I put a hurtin' on my cheesecake.
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They let me wear a hat at the table. It must be a special day!
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And lastly, presents. Everyone loves presents.
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Abby enjoying a bicycle ride up near the National Mall. It's taken some getting used to, but we think she's finally beginning to like it.
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The boy is eating solid foods now. Strangely, after he squishes them in his fists, they end up liquidy.
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We got to go see a Washington Nationals game on Labor Day. For free. Yay!
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