Friday, November 30, 2007

Merry Pre-Christmas!
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Thanksgiving/Early Christmas In Salisbury

We all traveled to Salisbury to visit Grammy and Grandpop for Thanksgiving, and while we were there, we decided to save shipping expenses by opening the presents Grammy and Grandpop gave while we were there with them. We had a great time, ate lots of good food, and got to visit the Zoo and take naps. Outstanding!

Mommy helped Abby and Sean open stuff. When they let her.
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No clever caption -- just a cutie.
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Grammy and Grandpop's gifts for the kids were in a ginormous bag. Abby made it into a small apartment for a time.
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The bag continued to be great fun for quite some time.
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Help me open it! HELP ME! COME OOOOOOON!
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We visited a playground after our trip to the Salisbury Zoo with Grandpop. Sean really got into the sandbox.
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Abby wanted to play on the big rock more than the playground equipment.
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We're starting to learn to read in earnest, now. Huzzah!
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At school, Abby got to be part of a Thanksgiving pow-wow. She likes to wear the headdress at home.
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At the moment, Sean's absolutely favorite toy is our Swiffer. We're trying to channel his and Abby's energy into cleaning the house. So far, the results have been disappointing, but we haven't given up hope.
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When we're preparing a meal, Sean often gets cranky. But, we found a way to fix that -- sit him on the counter and let him watch. It silences him.
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Sean in his new sweater from Grammy. He likes the big chair.
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For Halloween, Sean got to dress up as an elephant. He had a tail. He liked it a lot.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

For Halloween, our school offered a fun night of games and stuff in the school gym. Abby got her face painted and played a lot in the moon bounce.
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