Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sweet girl!
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Happy Easter!

It's been a great Easter Sunday 2008. We got to hear the story of Jesus' resurrection, and we praise God that we can echo the truth spoken so long ago by Job: "I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes -- I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!"

Here's some nice Easter pictures of the kids. Enjoy!

The boy. He's getting to look like a little man nowadays. He even has a part in his hair.
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The boy, B &W.
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There were three cute pictures of the kids in their Easter outfits. I couldn't decide which I liked best. So, here's #1...
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... #2...
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... and #3.
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Just because it's a holiday doesn't mean a fella can quit workin.'
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Recently, I had to go away for several days on a school trip. Abby and Sean helped Mommy pack. Abby pretended she was driving. Sean just looked confused about being set in a travel bag.
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Sometimes Mommy builds inside blanket forts for the kids. As you can see, Abby enjoys these times immensely.
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We had a little snow on New Year's Day -- it was almost nighttime, but Abby really wanted to go out and sled down our front hill. Which, as you can see, she did.

Apparently, snow tastes good.
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The lone arctic ranger crosses the frozen tundra.
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Sean couldn't go out, since it was too cold, so he watched. Forlornly.
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Visit To the Doctor's Office

Okay, well, it wasn't an official doctor's visit, but... Abby plays one in her room!

Open up and say "Ah!" No, no! Don't chew on it! Stop chewing on it! Stop chewi... oh, never mind.
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Good form -- perhaps she'll be better at putting in IV's than 99% of the nurses I've had in my life.
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