For friends and family who, for reasons beyond our comprehension, desire to know things about us and see our pictures.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
This little girl is really starting to get into reading. This is glad-making for her parents.
Daddy and Abby, ready for church.
Yay for Friday movie night!
Duh-DAH! Super-Sean -- always ready for dinner!
It just doesn't get any cuter than sleeping babies.
Oh mommy -- what are you doing? I just woke up!
We had some basement flooding last weekend. Kim and I slept upstairs on air matresses for a few nights. We were treated to Sean-dance each night beforehand.
This is how Sean helps with the dishes.
Sometimes I get blue. And sloppy.
Pat pat.
We have movie night every Friday, with popcorn. Sean's better off on the floor, where the popcorn can't fall anywhere.
We visited Grammy and Grandpop's house a few weeks ago -- Sean loves being read to by Grandpop!
I am a rebellious, self-centered sinner who has been rescued from the coming wrath of a holy God solely by His grace, in the person of Jesus Christ. I stand continuously puzzled, amazed, and grateful that He chose to give Himself up to death on the cross for me, that my sins might be forgiven, that I might be adopted as God's son, and that there might be peace between me and my Maker.