Friday, June 20, 2008

We still haven't figured out what he did. I mean, he must have done somthing to have that smile on his face.
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The Erwin boys. Sean and Benjamin. Benjamin, apparently, is evil.
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The boy at play.
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Soon, I'll be big enough to do that. Then, I'm going to dig. I'm going to dig a lot. A whole lot.
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Why are they all so round?
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Abby's gotten much braver about the pool this year. She practiced a lot in the kiddie pool first, which helped. Here's what we photographers like to call an "action photo."
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Kim took the kids to Watkins Park, and they got to ride on the carousel. As you can see, there was a line.
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Grandma and Grandpa Visit!

Last week, Grandma and Grandpa came down from New York to spend the week with us. They brought Joey, a teenage friend of Grandpa's, and he was a lot of help with the kids. Kim and I even got away for a two-night trip to Rehoboth Beach! We all had a great time -- Sean is still saying, "Grandpa!" several days later!

We went to visit some monuments that Granpda and Grandma hadn't seen yet. I just like this picture, so I posted it.
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Grandpa bought some animal hats while he was here. He kinda got into them.
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Sean loves elephants. The sunglasses were my touch.
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Friday night is movie night at the Erwin house.
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These kids love them some bubbles.
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