For friends and family who, for reasons beyond our comprehension, desire to know things about us and see our pictures.
Monday, July 21, 2008
That's my family. I love 'em. Lots.
Fambly fun!
She insists on goggles. It's pretty funny, really.
(Insert Tarzan yell here.)
Look at mah belly!
Yeah, I don't know, either. It just sorta happened this way.
How you doin?'
Just some cute.
He doesn't yet understand that, when attempting a breakout, one must stay under cover. I still have some teaching to do before his bank robbing career begins in earnest.
I don't want to get out yet.
(Ummm... what's he doing, there?)
Andrew's been coming over for swimming lessons. He and Abby found a turtle in our garden. We're not getting much in the way of vegetables, but boy, our turtle crop is fine!
Abby with her good friends Sofia and Olivia.
I has a cupcake... om nom nom nom...
Put it in where? Are you sure?
A typical Saturday morning, atfer pancake breakfast, while Mommy and Daddy clean up the kitchen.
You'd think the boy doesn't get fed and watered...
I am a rebellious, self-centered sinner who has been rescued from the coming wrath of a holy God solely by His grace, in the person of Jesus Christ. I stand continuously puzzled, amazed, and grateful that He chose to give Himself up to death on the cross for me, that my sins might be forgiven, that I might be adopted as God's son, and that there might be peace between me and my Maker.