Monday, August 18, 2008

Sean got his (almost) first haircut last week (okay, it was his second, but we have no pictures of that -- roll with me, here!). He seemed to want to tell us all about it, no?

Abby got her 'back-to-school' haircut, but she's an old hand at this point -- nothing to get excited about, here.
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Trip To Grandma And Grandpa's House

Last week, we drove up to Grandma and Grandpop's house in Geneva. We were there for almost four days, and we had a really fun time. As an aside, since they're moving, it was my last time inside the house I grew up in. A little sad, but I am very glad they're moving.

"Hey Sean -- what're ya doin'?"

"Just hangin' out... sittin' in a chair... almost naked... Hey, get me some water, will ya?"

One of the days, we spent the whole afternoon in the backyard. The kids had a great time.
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Just trying my hand at portraits.
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We visited the Seneca Lake splash park one day. It took Sean a while to warm up to the idea, but once he did, it was off to the races.
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I have nothing to say.

"Heeeeey... what's your name?"
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Seanie loved the slide. He kept running to get back on it.
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We swam some in Seneca Lake, too. We found a mermaid.
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Why shower? Just go to the splash park!
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"Me... and my... shadow..."
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No matter where she goes, we always seem to get a great picture of Abby and some ducks. This trip was no exception.

I think this look qualifies as "sly."
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The day before we left Geneva, we visited the Strong Museum of Play for children. We took pictures of the whole family outside. Only one came out well. :)
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Sean got to sit on the Sesame Street steps. He appears to have been a mite excited.
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Abby fixed me an ice cream cone.

Sean got to drive the bus.
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Abby's always up for swinging.
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Sometimes he loves swinging. Sometimes he cries. This was a good day.
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Every once in a while, he actually sits still and looks at books. It's usually in the morning. Before we dress him.

We had a crab lunch while there. Grammy shows Abby her master technique.
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Trip To Grammy and Grandpop's (And The Beach!)

Two weeks ago, the fambly drove out to Salisbury on the eastern shore of Maryland, to visit Grammy and Grandpop, and to visit Ocean City for a daytrip to the beach. We were only there for a day and a half, but it was chock full of fun!

The boy and I read news magazines while at Grammy and Grandpop's. We need time to catch up on world events.
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Abby finally learned how to play dominos. She did pretty well!
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