Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sometimes Saturdays are slow. The bedding was on the floor because Kim was doing laundry. Abby found this to be the most fun thing to do shortly after lunch. Go figure.
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Lost the first top tooth (third overall) this morning!
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He didn't even have to ask -- we just gave him another pancake. Quickly.
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Sean's Third Birthday!

He turned three this past Wednesday! Praise God for our little boy -- he is many things, but he is most certainly a great blessing!

He's slowly learning the art of present unwrapping.
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Man, this is cute.
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Ride 'em, cowboy!
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Grammy and Grandpop got him a lil' basketball hoop set. He loves it, and so does Abby. Thus far, it sits in the living room. Odd place, but it works.
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The two of them love to play in the rain. I've gotten over any qualms about catcihng colds and what not. It's too much fun to watch them.
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Girl. Hanging.
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Boy. Reading.
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Visit To Grandma and Grandpas

In early August, we traveled up to Geneva, NY to visit Grandma and Grandpa. It's always a good time when we visit them during the summer -- it's a beautiful part of the country at that time of year. We enjoyed spending time with Grandma and Grandpa, and we also were able to visit with Aunt Kim and cousin Ian, which was a special treat. As you'll see below, we've got lots of great memories to keep!

My dad, threatening me that if I put his picture online, he'd break both my legs. Love you dad!
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My mom, doing what she loves to do. Love you mom!
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Our visit was even more fun because Aunt Kim and cousin Ian were there!
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There was some down time, in between the funs.
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Cousin Ian had a toy sword with him. Seanie hadn't seen a toy sword before. It was love at first sight.
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There was a good bit of Play-dohing on the card table in the garage (no carpet to grind the -doh into).
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We got to go to Aunt Josie and Uncle Ron's house for a swim and cookout. It was cold, but everyone still got in the water!
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Josie and Ron have a pretty unique teeter-totter. The kids loved it (though you wouldn't know it from their faces in this picture!).
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This is almost Rockwellian.

The terribly local nature of Geneva's newspaper bored Sean. He wanted more national news.
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Grandpa: I can't believe you're playing gin rummy with us, Abby!

Abby: I can't believe your face can do that, Grandpa!
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There was a fun little pull wagon. Abby pulled Sean around a lot, but here, I think Grandma did some pulling, and Abby some riding.
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(The next series of Sean pics was captured while he was forced to wait for the slower people [read: everyone else] to finish their dinner)

"Okay, mommy, I can try to be patient... HEY! There's Grandpa!"
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"Abby, would you please finish your fourth piece of bread?"
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