For friends and family who, for reasons beyond our comprehension, desire to know things about us and see our pictures.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
She can get as big as she wants -- she'll still always be little to me. And I don't just mean in my memory.
Recently snapped in my classroom, early on a school day morning, just before taking Abby downstairs to wait in the line for the beginning of the school day.
Train play. Boys love trains.
Mommy and Sean recently went on a playdate to a local indoor play center. Sean got to swing on gymnastics-style rings...
... and there was a big pool of foam blocks to swim in...
... and mommy and boy had a swell time.
We told you the boy's got huge feet.
I took the kids out to a local buffet for lunch (which they love) -- as you can see, Sean was his usual cheesy self...
... and of course, Abby was more placid. At least, she was, before the sugar from the ice cream hit the bloodstream.
My little sweetie.
Abby recently went to a tea-birthday party for the niece of a good friend. She wore this sweet dress which used to be her mommy's.
"Mild, he lays his glory by, Born that men no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth; Hark! The herald angels sing, Glory to the newborn King!"
The Erwin family Christmas was a truly blessed one. We had such a wonderful time together, and with friends and family, too. Praise God for His undeserved kindness!
The stockings were hung on the railing. With care.
Boy at play.
Sean loves his new sweater -- it has doggies on it! Thanks Grandma!
Sean and Abby both got little stuffed, chirping birds from Grammy and Grandpop. They're a lot of fun!
Thanks Grammy!
Thanks Grandma!
Our good friend from church, Ms. Sandle, has been such a good friend to Abby -- she gave Abby a headband flashlight, which as you can see, was put to immediate use in building a new Lego castle in the dark. Because why would you build a Lego castle with the lights on?
Shout-out to Aunt Josie and cousin Brittany!
They both really did have a wonderful Christmas. God has been very, very good to our children (and to us in giving them to us)!
Yes, that's right, we experienced an honest-to-goodness snowstorm just prior to Christmas. Somewhere in the ballpark of 14-16 inches fell on us over the course of 24 hours. I loved it, the kids loved it, and since the roads were at least passable, it turned out to be quite the fun weekend!
I gave them "walking sticks" to help them walk/have fun. No, Sean was not trying to kill his sister in this shot.
The snow was so deep and fluffy, they couldn't really sled much. But, hey, I got a good picture!
I am a rebellious, self-centered sinner who has been rescued from the coming wrath of a holy God solely by His grace, in the person of Jesus Christ. I stand continuously puzzled, amazed, and grateful that He chose to give Himself up to death on the cross for me, that my sins might be forgiven, that I might be adopted as God's son, and that there might be peace between me and my Maker.