Friday, September 17, 2010

Nate has started doing some interesting things with his voice in the last few weeks.  Here he is, shrieking away in his swing.

We used to call Abby "singing baby," because she was always noising. Well, now we have another singing baby.
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They don't get any cuter than that.
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He makes me smile. :)
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Sean's 4th Birthday!

August 26th.  A day that will live in... famy. (Look, if "infamy" is a word, then why not "famy?")

The boy always does well for himself, gift-wise.
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Abby, as always, was happy to help open presents.
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His mommy, who loves him, made him (and us!) delicious chocolate chip/butterscotch pancakes. Mmm....
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Hey, don't point that thing at me.
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We helped close out the kids train at Watkins Park for the year.  The kids love it.  and, truth be told, I think it's really fun too.

Mama and her boys. Well, her little boys.
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Nate, gettin' some lovin.'
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From a recent trip to a local nature center...
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Nate's little leggies are getting longer. Maybe he'll be tall!
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Not bad for a cell phone picture. His face has... rounded nicely.
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Summer 2010 -- Visit To Geneva!

Over the second week of August, we got to visit Grandma and Grandpa up in Geneva.  It's always great to be up there with them, especially over the summer, when the weather's great, and we can do fun summer things like the splashpark.  As you can see, everybody had a great time.  We're looking forward to visiting again for Thanksgiving!

It's really great to be able to have the kids spend time with their grandparents. We wish it could be more often, but I guess that's why this blog exists.
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Why I'm upside-down?
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Gnome on the sofa.
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Grandma got some good baby time.
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He's a sweetie, and his mommy loves him.
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So what if it's more like a baseball-swing follow-through than a golf follow-through? That's an iconic picture, right there!
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Though we didn't get to eat the best pizza in the world (because Cam's was closed), we did get very, very good pizza from Mark's. Big slices = kids have a sloppy time of it. Yummy, though.
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As always, the kids had a blast at the splashpark.
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There was some down-time TV watching. Nate joined in.
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We also got to play in this awesome hose-end whale thingy with the kids of some family friends. Whales are cool, especially when they blow.
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Grandma bought two of those cool foam airplanes. They provided hours... well, many minutes of entertainment.
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More pizza eating.
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Abby tried really hard to do some head rolls with Mrs. Stevenson. We're still working on that.
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