Sunday, May 01, 2011

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Easter Dinner at the Thomases

Our friends the Thomases were kind enough to invite us over for Easter dinner, along with a whole bunch of other friends from both our new and our old churches. What a great way to end a long vacation!
Natey met Zelmo, the Thomases dog. Things seemed to go well.
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Seanie got to play, with Jackson Conner, the pastor's son. Sean did great; he hit everything that came his way, even hard shots. Great hand-eye coordination, that boy. Baseball beckons.
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We got to play ping pong, too -- Abby loved it!
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Where to begin?
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Sometimes, eating can be dirty work.
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Easter Break at the Hattons, 2011

At the start of our Easter Break, we had the joy of visiting with our friends the Hattons, whom we hadn't seen for several years. The kids, of course, had a wonderful time together -- and so did the adults. :)
Here's the Hatton and Erwin progeny, all together.
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The very first night, right after getting into jammies, Abby and Bethy got to work putting together an art show. Gotta love homeschoolers. :)
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Here's one of Abby's pieces. Sunday night, when other guests from the Hattons' church were over, Abby and Bethy sold some of their pieces. They made $0.75 each. Not bad!
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Abby and Bethy played Slapjack quite a lot. They appear to have enoyed it.
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Breakfasts were... exciting. And noisy. :)
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On Patriot's Day, celebrating the start of the Revolutionary War, we decided to take a drive into Concord, Massachusetts, to check out a celebration at North Bridge, featuring reenactors, etc. It was pretty cool to be on the site of history, and the kids thought so, too.
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Abby on North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts, where the first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired.
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Here are some local re-enactors, crossing the bridge to meet the British.
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The day's activities featured a period artillery piece. They fired it off several times. Very cool but very loud.
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The kids (and Daddy) learned the hard way to keep our ears covered when the artillery was fired.
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Playing in the backyard.
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Visit to Grandma and Grandpa's, Easter 2011

We moved on from the Hattons to Grandma and Grandpa's house for several days. It's always fun to visit with them, to give the kids some time to get hugged on. :)
A great two-photo set. Here's part 1 -- wait for it... wait for it... commence digging...
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... and VICTORY!
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One day, Grandma, Daddy, Abby, and Sean visited Rochester and its science museum. The big attraction that day was a cool computerized moving dinosaur exhibit. Here's Abby, Sean, and Rex.
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A stegosaurus. It made noises that sounded a lot like an angry cat.
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There were lots of displays pertaining to the local Native American tribes.
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