Thursday, August 31, 2006

Sean's first bath... Posted by Picasa

... and first swaddling after bath. Posted by Picasa

Abby likes to play with her baby brother. Here. she is showing him how to get the most enjoyment out of tummy time. Posted by Picasa

Just hanging' out, enjoying the bouncy seat... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Boy Has Arrived!

This past Saturday, August 26th, at 1:41 pm, Sean Christopher Erwin arrived on the scene after a wonderfully short and simply labor and delivery. Mom and baby are doing great. Sean weighed in at 7 lbs. 15 oz, and measured 19 inches long.

Happy daddy! Posted by Picasa

The "scrunchy face" is pretty common at this point. Posted by Picasa

Just resting... Posted by Picasa

Home with big sister. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Hi. My name is Andrew. I'm the Erwins' pet garden spider. I'm technically called an orb weaver, though I'm more frequently known as a Saint Andrew's spider, due to the X-cross shape of my body, which is in fact similar to St. Andrew's Cross (as seen on many national flags with links to the United Kingdom). I know I'm scary looking, but I'm actually almost entirely harmless. Plus, I eat the bugs. Mmmm... bugs... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 12, 2006

This is the new mural in Baby Boy Erwin's nursery. The frog's name is Manny, and, to clarify, he's doing a cartwheel. Abby just wanted to get in on then scene. What's new. Posted by Picasa

Abby got this great t-shirt set from Aunt Kim. She's thrilled to pieces about wearing it, and about being a big sister any day now... Posted by Picasa

... although that doesn't stop her from looking a little goofy while wearing it. Posted by Picasa

Visits to Watkins Park in Upper Marlboro, Maryland

Abby's favorite park is Watkins Park. It's got a little train you ride on through the woods, and there are trees with faces on them. There's a beautiful carousel, an animal farm with animals you can pet, and of course a fantastic playground. Little heaven. We've made two trips in the last three weeks.

The carousel is really neat, but if you ride it enough times, even a three year-old can get a little jaded. Posted by Picasa

Abby walked this whole balance beam, then finished with a flourish by jumping off while waving her arms. No, seriously. Posted by Picasa

The aforementioned train... Posted by Picasa

I just think this cow is pretty. Posted by Picasa

They've got sheep and emus. But, they get shy around cameras. Posted by Picasa

The ducks and geese get real cranky, if you don't feed them. Posted by Picasa

Just so you know I'm not lying about the farm... Posted by Picasa

There's a big ol' cut-down tree at Watkins Park. Abby sat on it. Posted by Picasa

The train engineer let Abby sit on top of the engine car. Huzzah! Posted by Picasa

Trip to Ocean City, Maryland

In mid-July, we took a tirp to visit Grammy and Grandpop, and to spend the day at Ocean City, enjoying the sun and the water. We ended up doing just that. Plus, I got some good pictures out of the deal.

Getting buried in the sand... fun... Posted by Picasa

Grammy and Abby enjoyed watching the waves roll in. Posted by Picasa